December 18th/2015 Update and Seasons Greetings!

2015 has been another busy year.  The UK and Canadian contingent did their best to steer ISO/TC 266 towards addressing some of the wider goals of B3D/biom*.  Fil Salustri has developed a preliminary Biomimetic Assessment Framework that takes into account social/environment/economic factors and adds metrics around the three criteria that ISO/TC 266 proposed for determining if a particular innovation can be considered biomimetic.  Curt McNamara, Randy Anway and I are exploring opportunities for collaboration with the INCOSE Natural Systems Working Group.  A 'behind the scenes' accomplishment is moving the BID Community and BioDreamMachine websites to a new hosting platform that performs better, is more easily maintained and costs less.  I have also been able to tighten up security as part of the migration.

I have been in discussion with the BID Community Think Tank on new directions for 2016.  A lot of diverse ideas and potential projects have been raised.  Stay tuned in the New Year for further updates and opportunities to share your thoughts.

Best Wishes for the Holidays!


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