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Bay Area Biomimicry Network

Based in one of the most innovative ecosystems on earth, the Bay Area Biomimicry Network is an active consortium of leaders in design, engineering, architecture, life science, communications, business, academia, and the public sector. We are evolving in collaboration with...

2012/07/12 - 16:15 biomimicry, California, network

As a regional hub of The Biomimicry Group, biomimicrySA promotes the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together...

2012/07/14 - 15:05 biomimicry, regional hub, South Africe
Structural Biomaterials: Third Edition (Julian Vincent)

From the website, which also includes a Table of Contents:

This is a thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded edition of a classic illustrated introduction to the structural materials in natural organisms and what...

2012/08/02 - 13:23 biomimetics, books, materials, structure
IET Journals Moving to Open Access

Just wanted to let you know that The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is to become the first engineering, not-for-profit publisher to adopt an open access model with the launch of a comprehensive, online-only open access journal. Open access options will also be...

2012/08/04 - 14:27 engineering, journal, open access
Biomimetic Design

David Sanchez-Ruano is a "PhD researcher at the Centre for the Study of Natural Design (CSND) where is currently developing new methods to facilitate nature-based experiences and behaviour change through concepts as biophilia, biomimicry and resilience. He has a background in Industrial Design...

2012/09/11 - 17:09 blog, design
agorà solari MIL | Milano - Italy

Costas Loucaides has posted information on his "... investigation project based in the city of Milan, around the Naviglii area. The experimental project follows from the thesis project in the fifth year of the degree, investigating the potentials of biomimetics in urban regeneration of modern,...

2012/09/11 - 17:20 architecture, biomimetics, design
How Biomimicry is Inspiring Human Innovation

This article provides an overview of biomimicry with numerous examples:

  • Mark Miles, the Morpho butterfly and Qualcomm's Mirasol display
  • Georges de Mestral, burrs and Velcro
  • Claus Mattheck, growth of load-bearing structures and the SKO (soft kill option)...
2012/09/11 - 17:57 biomimicry, design
Fully Integrated Thinking [FIT]

An overview of the FIT process that "identifies the questions we need to ask of our work to achieve more sustainable outcomes."  Every projects includes the following characteristics:

2012/09/11 - 18:14 architecture, design, FIT, HOK
Tapping the Genius of the Biome

The report "Genius of the Biome describes the strategies and designs adopted by living organisms found in a worldwide region of similar climate and vegetation. It describes the biological principles and patterns common to organisms and ecosystems within a biome. This biology is then...

2012/09/11 - 18:17 biomes, design, place-based design

Imagine a city mentored by nature's genius. We are a regional network of individuals from all industries, sectors and backgrounds, dedicated to creating and fostering a community of nature-inspired practice in the NY Metro region.

2012/10/10 - 15:33 biomimicry, network, New York