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Swarm-bots could boldly go where no man has gone before

An award-winning IST research team has developed highly unusual mini-robots, or swarm-bots, that work as a team to overcome challenges. While their cooperative...

2008/10/06 - 11:19 research, robotics
Robots, the bizarre and the beautiful

“Nature is a rich source of design ideas,” notes Bruno Siciliano, robotics researcher and dissemination officer for EURON. “Nature has...

2008/10/06 - 11:10 research
Peter Head: Entering an Ecological Age | Arup

"Drawing experience with projects such as Dongtan Eco-city in China, Peter Head’s Brunel International Lecture explained how we can develop and retrofit urban centres to improve resource efficiency while...

2008/10/04 - 14:19 research
Ralph L. Knowles: Architecture, Nature and Context

2012/02/23 added Additional Readings

This website contains a fascinating set of papers exploring how natural forces (sun, gravity, wind), rhythms and rituals can be creative elements in architectural design.  Although designing to a...

2008/09/23 - 10:21 architecture, research, websites
Interview with Julian Vincent

Susana Soares interviewed Julian Vincent, professor of Biomimetics at the University of Bath and director of Biomimetic and Natural Technologies.   The 11.5 minute video clip starts with a discussion about how to "get engineers...

2008/09/13 - 19:28 research, Vincent
MIT Ocean Engineering - RoboTuna

2008/10/20 updated with a comment pointing to a weblog entry with additional information about RoboTuna and complementary work by Prof. Joseph Ayers

2008/09/13 - 15:43 research, robotics
NSF BioSensing & BioActuation/Hydrocarbons from Biomass Grants

A total of $22M-$29M funding is anticipated for 2009. 

2008/09/13 - 15:07 funding
ACADIA 2008: Silicon + Skin » Concepts of Nature and Technology / Biomimetics

2012/07/12: URL for this conference is no longer available - the post has been maintained since some of the papers below may be posted elsewhere

Six papers were presented in the Biomimetics track:

2008/09/01 - 10:29 research
Thoughtcrew | Biomimetics

Traditionally biomimetics or biomimcry is the application of lessons from nature to engineering, product or architectural problems. There are some great examples that are used to explain the biomimetic approach such as the Eifel Tower and Velcro. And whilst these may be disputed...

2008/09/01 - 10:15 websites
The Alien Next Door: Biomimicry

Nina Munteanu's blog has a number of posts tagged 'biomimicry', such as:

2008/08/26 - 20:34