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Welcome to!

"Here you can read all about the new interdisciplinary area of science called biomimetics (or bionics/biomimecry). 
Biomimetics is about developing new technology inspired by nature. On this site you can, apart from news about research and new technological progress in...

2010/08/29 - 09:27 bibliography, books, research, websites
Limits of nature and advances of technology: What does biomimetics have to offer to aquatic robots? 

Author: F. E. Fish

In recent years, the biomimetic approach has been utilized as a mechanism for technological advancement in the field of robotics. However, there has not been a full appreciation of the success and...

2010/10/04 - 13:15 aquatic locomotion, collaboration, drag reduction, evolution, knowledge transfer, limitations, research, swimming, thrust production
585 . 626 - Biomimetics in Biomedical Engineering (2010-2011 Johns Hopkins University Graduate Catalog)

Biomimetics refers to human-made processes, substances, devices or systems that imitate nature. This course focuses on substances prepared and engineered to meet biomedical uses. 

2010/10/11 - 12:39 biomedical
IDSA's 2011 Catalyst Case Study Program (Submissions Accepted until November 30th)

"IDSA's Catalyst Case Study Program continues to initiate and accelerate a broader understanding of design’s impact on business, the environment and society. Participate in the next round of submissions and explain why your design is worthy of Catalyst case publication in 2011....

2010/10/17 - 15:19 business, case studies, design, environment, society
University of Maryland "Biologically-Inspired Product Development"

"Changing the way we teach engineering students to think about developing products and devices."

2010/10/31 - 09:53 artificial muscles, concurrent fabrication, design, educaton, graded materials, robotics, self-assembly, sensors
Biomimicry Group Professional Pathways

Launching in March 2011, The Biomimicry Group’s Professional Pathways will be the most comprehensive and innovative biomimicry educational offering in the world. These courses will fundamentally...

2010/11/30 - 11:40 certificate program, education, workshops

BioTRIZ Ltd provides consultancy in inventive problem solving in engineering, research, design, manufacturing and management. We improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of your business.

2010/11/30 - 12:10 consulting, principles, TRIZ
Biomimetics in Architecture: Architecture of Life and Buildings

Gruber, Petra
1st Edition., 2011, 280 p. 466 illus., Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-7091-0331-9

Also available through...

2011/01/16 - 13:26 architecture, books
Using Technology for Grants

A workshop held in Toronto on February 15th discussed various ways that technology can be used to help find grants and handle reporting on how the grant is spent.  The presentations largely explored Canadian grants although some of the process issues are generalizable.

2011/02/26 - 20:27 Canada, funding
Malik Management

The young cross section discipline bionics is capable of providing us with the inspiration we need for the growing complexity in technology and management.

The international Center for Bionics intends to: 

2011/02/28 - 10:14