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Biomimicry curricula

Hilary Staples of San Domenico School has collected a broad range of material relevant to teach Biomimicry, including:

  • overview information

teaching methods (Exploration of Artifacts, Green City Design Project, Niche Reflection, Adaptation Auction)

2006/02/22 - 08:01
National Institutes of Health: Harnessing Biology's Magic

"Life scientists yearn to understand the natural world. They persist in trying to unravel the mysteries of biology because these mysteries are inherently intriguing. But more pressingly, scientists want to learn how biological systems work so that...

2006/03/27 - 16:02 websites
The Royal Society - Biomimetics: its practice and theory

2010/12/10 updated link (paper can be downloaded for free)

Julian Vincent, Olga Bogatyreva, Nikolaj Bogatyrev, Adrian Bowyer and Anja-Karina Paul (University of Bath) submitted an article to The Royal Society on the process of transferring...

2006/04/27 - 10:43 articles
Better by Design - An Innovation Guide: Using Natural Design Solutions

by Fran Kurk and Curt McNamara explores the rationale behind looking to nature for designs, the value of design, and how 'design for the environment' can differentiate products while dramatically reducing their impact on the environment.  It looks at how innovation can be applied to the entire...

2006/05/09 - 11:49 articles
University of Plymouth Biomimetics Links

This website includes a broad range of pointers to material on Biomimetics and Biomimicry, as well as a link back to the MATS324 course outline.

2006/05/09 - 12:26 websites
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics

This is a new journal published by the Institute of Physics.  Access is free until the end of 2006.  The first issue includes:

2006/05/24 - 12:46 journals
0 A Pattern Language for Sustainability

Ecotrust has developed an extensive Pattern Language for the "conservation economy", including 57 patterns organized under:

2006/06/29 - 17:53 websites
ENGLISH NATURE - Nature For Schools

English Nature is an organization that "champions the conservation of wildlife, geology and wild places in England. We are a Government agency set up by the Environment Protection Act 1990 and are funded by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs." 

This particular...

2006/07/13 - 16:39 websites
Nature Inspired Design Network

2012/07/11 Although the actual Network site no longer exists, the University of Birmhingham offers a number of courses involving design inspired by nature.

Quoting from the About page:

"Nature Inspired Creative...

2006/08/13 - 13:43 websites
Biologically Inspired Robotics Network

Quoting from the Home page:

"Biro-net aims to establish a network for advancing  interdisciplinary research in the UK which will further our understanding of the underlying mechanisms that allow...

2006/08/13 - 14:04 websites