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Understanding the Use of Bio-Inspired Design Tools by Industry Professionals

This paper by Noah Pentelovitch (OXO) and Prof. Jacquelyn Nagel (James Madison University) describes a workshop to introduce bio-inspired design concepts and four bio-inspired design tools (Visual Analogy Sketching, BID Canvas, Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus, and BioSearch) to 11 designers and...

2022/08/13 - 19:32 bio-inspired design, practitioners
What Shape is a Snowflake? Magical Numbers in Nature

Author: Ian Stewart (2001), Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, Lewes, UK

Amazon has a number of...

2011/01/08 - 19:18 books, patterns
Nature's Chemicals: The Natural Products that Shaped Our World

Author: Richard Firn (2010), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

Also available on...

2011/01/10 - 01:07 books, chemistry
Life in the Undergrowth

Author: David Attenborough (2005), Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA

This is the Companion Book to the Animal Planet Program (Spring 2006...

2011/01/10 - 01:43 books, insects, natural history
Biomimicry in Industrial Design for Sustainability, An Integrated Teaching-and-Learning Method

2013/08/03 attachment uploaded again - 'magically' disappeared early on August 2nd

As part of his 2009 doctoral thesis at the Graduate School of Design Research, Kobe Design University, Carlos...

2013/08/01 - 18:42 biomimicry, education, evaluation, industrial design, research, sustainability
BioInspire Magazine

"BioInspire was a monthly publication founded by John Mlade while at Colorado State University to address the interface of human design, nature and technology.  Each month, a leader in the field contributed...

2008/07/02 - 21:56 articles

"Biomimetics, Biomechanics and Applied Biotechnology"

Authors: Adam Summers is a professor of biomechanics at UC Irvine and author of the monthly Biomechanics column for Natural History Magazine. Ilya Brook is a management consultant in...

2009/11/12 - 13:46 weblogs
Theme Issue ‘Biomimetics I: functional biosurfaces’

Theme Issue ‘Biomimetics I: functional biosurfaces’ compiled by Bharat Bhushan

2009/09/21 - 14:30 articles
Fall 2008 Studio - Biomimicry

A visually stunning architectural building/community design that incorporates biomimicry research on kelp forests and detailed site assessment.  Some of the earlier material as well as the final report appear similar to Ralph Knowles' 'solar envelope' work described in the...

2009/09/16 - 11:08 weblogs
Masters Program: Bionik/Biomimetics in Energy Systems

"At the beginning of the 21 century our industrial society is confronted with major challenges in regard to energy and environment. Using new insights from the...

2009/07/18 - 10:27 education