Announcing the Second Issue of Zygote Quarterly

Welcome to our second issue of Zygote Quarterly.  Our lead article explains how Eiji Nakatsu, a bird watching engineer, improved the design of the Japanese Bullet Train by studying the owl and the kingfisher.  We learn next about a designer in our ongoing interview of practicing professionals: Tom Knittel of the architectural firm HOK.  Finally, we get two expert perspectives on R. Buckminster Fuller and his study of nature from Jay Baldwin and Curt McNamara.

We have added three new regular sections to our format: “portfolio”, “opinion” and “tools”.  Our portfolio feature will present visually inspiring work of professionals in all disciplines.  We are pleased to showcase the beautiful and informative images of scientist/artist David Goodsell. Our guest opinion page is intended to provide a platform for different opinions that will spark reasoned debate.  This issue includes a provocative critique of popular biomimicry beliefs by Nikolay Bogatyrev.  Our tools section introduces an engineering-to-biology thesaurus, a tool in progress by professor Jacquelyn Nagel.

If you like what you see, please pass this message to others who might be interested, participate in our LinkedIn group, contact us through the website (right side of the footer) and join us on this path of discovery.  We encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list to ensure you receive timely notification of new issues.

Tom McKeag       Norbert Hoeller       Marjan Eggermont

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