Bioneers: Keynote by Janine Benyus (09:00)

Sat, 2016/10/22
San Rafael, CA

Janine will also be presenting the Biomimcry Global Design Challenge Award winner.  There will be a screening of the film Biomimicry​ at 20:30.

The Ultimate Symbiosis: Biomimicry as a Cooperative Inquiry
Our species is finally turning toward other species for their embodied wisdom, borrowing these insights to solve challenges such as delivering nutrition in a way that nourishes both planet and people. Biomimicry author and visionary Janine Benyus will show how nature-inspired breakthroughs in agriculture are evolving from plant-focused “silver bullets” to system-savvy healing. She’ll give us a sneak preview of the amazing entries in the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge in food systems. She’ll explore how the “democratization of invention” is growing more biomimetic—as teams turn to nature together, in massive parallel, to discover a multitude of wild ideas that work together as a system. Cooperation, naturally enough, is the best way to learn from Life’s genius!
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