Philosophy & Biomimicry

Developed by Dr. Manfred Drack, Universität Tübingen.

The basic idea of the site is to bring together all the research on the philosophy and theory of biomimicry (and biomimetics, etc.) - see the "resources" section. There's also a "quotes" section featuring nuggets of wisdom on the subject from famous (and not so famous) philosophers.

My expertise is more on the philosophy side of things, so the theory section is quite a bit less comprehensive and no doubt leaves out papers that really should be there from some people on this list!

If anyone has suggestions for papers (including their own) they would like me to add, feel free to send them my way. The only requirement is that they're not too specialized, i.e., that they deal with biomimicry (and biomimetics, etc.) in general, rather than with the theory of some specific sub-field. Philosophical interest or references are also a plus.

Likewise, if you know of any other good quotes, please let me know. And any general feedback, criticism included, would also be welcome. 


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