Postdoc-Position in Philosophy of Biomimetics, Rostock 

Within the DFG-funded project “Learning from Nature: Epistemological and Ontological Foundations of Biomimetics”, affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Rostock (Prof. Dr. Ludger Jansen), we are looking for a researcher for the following role:

Postdoctoral Researcher (“Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in”, m/f/d) EG 13 TV-L, full-time, 40 h/week, temporary project position

It is intended to fill the role at the earliest possible date. The position is initially limited until 29.02.2024 with the possibility of 
extension till the end of the project (overall for up to 30 month). The researcher is expected to contribute to a corpus of research examples to be analysed in the project, to analyse the reasoning patterns in these projects and to review their ontological commitments. Based on this, the foundational categories of biomimetics (like functions, working principles, and constructions) are to be analysed using First-Order Logic and the Web Ontology Language. Further details at

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