Tecnalia Journalism Award for 'Exaptation and Diversity' as Innovation Strategy

2011/02/15 added link to Third Millennium Science supplement and DROP project

Bilbao, January 24, 2011.  Premio Periodismo 2010 (V Edición)

María Pilar Pearl and Francisco Javier Mateos were awarded one of the three Tecnalia Journalism Awards (each worth 5,000 euros) for the article "European year of creativity and innovation: Welcome to a garden of ideas" (Spanish) published in the March 10, 2009 Third Millennium Science supplement of the newspaper Heraldo de Aragón.

The article poses the question "Can the idea of a child inspire an R&D line?" The assumption is that if these ideas (even if they are fantastic) are proposed to bold and creative scientists, educators, communicators, designers and engineers, the original ideas will evolve and lead to potentially exciting products. The jury emphasized "the innovative nature of the article and its unique contribution to existing knowledge" while at the same time informing the general public.

"The aim [of the prize] is to encourage the work of the professionals of the media (press, radio, television and Internet) to promote and disseminate research knowledge, innovation and technological development among the public." The prize is awarded every two years, with this being the 5th edition.

Additional information is available on the Aleen website at http://www.aleen.org/bioestrategias_empresas.html (Spanish) and the Exaptation/Cooptation forum on AskNature.  A bio-inspired project based on this approach is DROP (Spanish,  Draga Reutilizable Operativa en Profundidad abisal) or Reusable Operational abyssal Depth Dredge.  I will be working with Fco.Javier to translate information about the project into English.

The Third Millennium Science supplement (Spanish) edited by Pilar Perla is "An exploration of the ground-breaking, beautiful, amazing, unknown but also the immediate and human aspects of science. "

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