7th International Conference on Comparing Design in Nature with Science and Engineering

Wed, 2014/07/09 - Fri, 2014/07/11
Opatija, Croatia

Scientists and engineers now have at their disposal a vast array of relationships for materials, mechanisms and control. The resulting laws have been painstakingly assembled by observation and analysis and span the cosmic scale of space down to the molecular level of genetics. In particular, they have made us aware of the rich diversity of the natural world around us.

These developments have prompted the reconvening of the Design and Nature Conference which attracts researchers from around the world working on a variety of studies involving nature and their significance for modern scientific thought and design. The success of the series is in great part due to the interdisciplinary character of the conference, which brings together a wide variety of specialists such as physical scientists, engineers, biologists, medical experts as well as those involved in humanities and arts.

Conference Topics

  • Mechanics in nature
  • Nature and architecture
  • Natural materials and processes
  • Solutions from nature
  • Biometrics and bio-inspiration
  • Biological studies
  • Locomotion in nature
  • Emerging ideas
  • Gravitational biology
  • Natural energy harvesting
  • Infrastructure
  • Water issues
  • Evolutionary physics
  • Adaptation in nature
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