Bay Area Biomimicry Network April 2013 Swarm

Tue, 2013/04/23
San Francisco, CA

The Bay Area Biomimicry Network is swarming again! Join us on April 23 to connect with fellow biomimicry enthusiasts and exercise our creative synapses.  As always, colleagues and friends are encouraged to join. 

April finds us in the budding days of spring, which provides opportunity to learn about Designing with Biology. Tim McGee, a Biologist and Designer at IDEO Boston, will lead our group in an interactive discussion to re-image biological mental models and material designs. 

Tim has many years experience as a strategy and biology consultant. His interests are in integrating biology, design, engineering and business. He's a certified Biomimicry 3.8 "Biologist at the Design Table". View Tim's LinkedIn profile here

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