Bay Area Biomimicry Network August 2013 Swarm

Wed, 2013/08/14
Opinno, 1 Market St, Ste 500, San Francisco, CA

The Bay Area Biomimicry Network will be swarming this Wednesday, August 14 at Opinno in downtown San Francisco. If you would like to attend, please register now on our Eventbrite page. For those of you already registered, we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

This month we will be applying our knowledge of nature to software design. Wyatt and Zak from Brazenworks use a pioneering design process in their work, which includes nature emulation. They will be guiding our hive through an activity that applies this process to new challenges.

  • Zak Brazen is an Experience Designer who has worked with clients like Nike and Coke. To help them, Zak uses his pioneering approach to delivering environmentally-inspired design. Long committed to people, planet, and storytelling, Zak also founded The EarthDance Short-Attention-Span Environmental Film Festival which explores the relationship between culture, nature and design.
  • Wyatt Starosta has been responsible for developing and managing qualitative research programs for such companies as Proctor and Gamble, Motorola, Chrysler, Samsung, and GE Healthcare. His work focuses on humanizing technology and ensuring the user has a voice in the development process. Wyatt has driven forklifts, donned surgical scrubs, and hung out with tweens at the mall to better understand people’s real-world experiences.


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