
Hello to everyone.
In Aragón (Spain), for over three years is developing an educational project very interesting.
With support from the regional government of Aragon are made: Classrooms for the development of capabilities.
An attempt to break with the suit symbols classroom methodology and is reaping impressive results. (A.D.C. in Spanish)
I was pleased to be able to form some notion of creativity for teachers of these classrooms in February 2010.
Earlier this year, taking advantage of your stay in Zaragoza for the project DROP:

the Dutch biomimetic Ernst-Jan Mul and I propose a workshop with students from the ADC Hispanidad.
Only gave the students a set of tools on E & D methodology (Exaptation & Diversity).

E & D methodology, is based on a specific interaction of knowledge, inspired by biodiversity strategies.
This interaction generates a diversity of ideas (and solutions) allowing, in turn, generate Additionally, multiple answers, not related to the problems discussed starting, and can be more innovative and successful than the desired solution for exit problem.
Applied in the early stages of defining a project, facilitates the conceptualization of innovative developments.
An interdisciplinary team can develop this methodology.

Normally in an interdisciplinary team of scientists, the combination of motivation, creative ability and knowledge involved can generate networks (meshes descriptive) solutions.
In our exercise, the children used their common sense, and the results are interesting:

The text is in Spanish only ...

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