Biomimicry Chicago: Let's get outside and learn - together!

Biomimicry is the emulation of life’s forms, processes, and systems into the context of human innovation, and we want everyone in the Biomimicry Chicago network to collectively explore our region and share ideas. Each month, we will be giving you an observational challenge - what biomimics call an “iSite,” where we will ask you to go outside in a natural area by you and observe life’s forms, processes, and systems in context and explore what YOU can learn from nature. This is a FREE program that we are offering to build the biomimicry competency of local practitioners while growing our network, so join us today! Sign up for our mailing list and learn more today!



  • June’s Challenge: Exploring Life’s Forms
  • July’s Challenge: Exploring Life’s Processes
  • August’s Challenge: Exploring Life’s Systems

To participate, all you need to do is read the challenge, find a natural area near you, and observe. Complete the exercise and send your sketches, essays, or photos to us at biomimicrychicago [at] gmail [dot] com and we will compile your entries and showcase them to the Global Biomimicry Network through our website and social media channels.

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