Call for Proposals: Special Collection on Ethical, Normative, and Epistemological Considerations of Biomimetics

From Taryn Mead - an opportunity to discuss some of the fundamental questions relating to biom*.

As I mentioned, I'm on the editorial board of the new Journal of Biomimetics in Engineering and am delighted to be the Guest Editor of our first Special Collection entitled: "Ethical, Normative, and Epistemological Considerations of Biomimetics"  (Call attached).  Submission deadline is September 15th, 2017 (extensions will be considered by request).

I welcome your submission and would be happy to bounce some ideas to help refine the development of your prospective paper proposals.  Please circulate to other students and colleagues who may be interested as well.

The Journal of Biomimetics in Engineering is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access journal that encompass all aspects of bioinspired and biomimetic engineering. The Journal is a vital tool for maintaining an understanding of the newest techniques, thought directions and research in biomimetic and bioinspired engineering. It publishes original research papers, reviews and essays aiming at fundamental understanding of the transfer of basic principles from nature to engineering and design, applications thereof and effects on humans and the environment. The aim is to apply biomimetic theories and projects to real engineering problems. The journal aims to inform and inspire new ways of thinking in engineering.

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