Geometric morphometrics using R

Mon, 2017/06/05 - Fri, 2017/06/09
Isle of Cumbre, Scotland
The field of geometric morphometrics (GM) is concerned with the quantification and analysis of patterns of shape variation, and its covariation with other variables. Over the past several decades these approaches have become a mainstay in the field of ecology, evolutionary biology, and anthropology, and a panoply of analytical tools for addressing specific biological hypotheses concerning shape have been developed. The goal of this is to provide participants with a working knowledge of the theory of geometric morphometrics, as well as practical training in the application of these methods.

The course is organized in both theoretical and practical sessions. The theoretical sessions will provide a comprehensive introduction to the methods of landmark-based geometric morphometrics, which aims at providing the participants with a solid theoretical background for understanding the procedures used in shape data analysis. Practical sessions will include worked examples, giving the participants the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the treatment of shape data using the R package geomorph. These sessions focus on the generation of shape variables from primary landmark data, the statistical treatment of shape variation with respect to biological hypotheses, and the visualization of patterns of shape variation and of the shapes themselves for interpretation of statistical findings, using the R language for statistical programming. While practice datasets will be available, it is strongly recommended that participants come with their own datasets.

Note: Because this is a geometric morphometrics workshop in R, it is required that participants have some working knowledge in R. The practical sessions of the course will focus on GM-based analyses, and not basic R user-interfacing. It is therefore strongly recommended that participants refresh their R skills prior to attending the workshop.

Course cost is £520 for students and academic staff and £630 for people working in industry.
Accommodation package available for £275, includes all meals and refreshments.

Course Programme
Sunday 5th Meet at Millport field centre at approximately 18:30.
Monday 6th – Classes from 09:00 to 18:001:
1: Morphometrics: History, Introduction and Data Types
2: Review of matrix algebra and multivariate statistics
3: Superimposition
4: Software demonstration and lab practicum
Tuesday 7th – Classes from 09:00 to 18:00
1: Shape spaces, shape variables, PCA
2: GPA with semi-landmarks
3: Shape covariation
4: Software demonstration and lab practicum
Wednesday 8th – Classes from 09:00 to 18:00
1: Phylogenetic shape variation
2: Group Differences & Trajectory Analysis
3: Allometry
4: Software demonstration and lab practicum
Thursday 9th – Classes from 09:00 to 18:00
1: Assymetry
2: Missing Data
3: Integration and Modularity
4: Disparity
5: Software demonstration and lab practicum
Friday 10th – Classes from 09:00 to 16:00
1: Future Directions
2: Lab Pacticum
3: Student Presentations
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