Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotechnology and Biomimicry Course

Mon, 2011/08/01 - Fri, 2011/08/05
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg , South Africa

Nanotechnology brings together the theories that have been developed and the most up-to-date research findings on the unique properties, practical synthesis, and real applications for most types of carbon-related nanomaterials and technology. The instructors of this course are drawn from world class institutions such as, NASA, USA, Biomimicry SA and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, whose brief biographies are presented below.

The instructors emphasise modification methods employed to customise properties of carbon nanomaterials for a broad range of science and engineering applications coupled with safety and in the context of commercial availability and how nature does engineering. The course also provides a wide survey of numerous carbon-based nanomaterials in both present and future applications in the fields of molecular electronics, sensing, nano- and micro electromechanical devices, field-emission displays, energy storage, pharmacy and medicine, composite materials, IT and communications, etc.

The main topics to be covered are:

  • Introduction to nanotechnology
  • Definition and overview of carbon nanotechnology
  • Novel one dimensional structures and applications
  • Nanofluidics: theory and practice
  • Introduction to Modelling for Nanomaterials
  • Modelling carbon based nanofluidic systems, applications, latest results and comparison with experiment
  • Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and applications
  • Modelling carbon nanotubes production and simulation
  • workshops to exploit the advantages and ingenuity of biomimicry

Thanks to the San Diego Zoo for the pointer!

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