NSF Workshop Follow-on Activities: Book and ASME JMD Special Issue

I have two pieces of exciting news to share.

Firstly, Springer informs us that it has officially published our volume on Biologically Inspired Design: Computational Methods and Tools!
Here is the link to the parts downloadable from Springer: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-1-4471-5248-4%2F1.pdf.

Secondly, the publication of this volume has created enough of a buzz that the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design first invited us to write
an editorial on biologically inspired design and now has decided to bring out a special issue on the topic!  The editorial: http://asmejmd.org/editorial/biologically-inspired-design/, the flyer for the special issue is attached.

Best regards,

The book can be ordered directly from Springer or Amazon.com.  See NSF Bio-Inspired Design Workshop for more information about the workshops along with presentations and videos of the Palo Alto workshop.  A article on the first NSF Bio-Inspired Design Workshop was published in the June 2011 Newsletter (Issue 8.2).

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