Pre-Summit Workshop: Introduction to Biomimicry in Education

Thu, 2012/06/21
World Forestry Center, Portland, OR

Educators of all levels, especially those who are new to biomimicry, are invited to join Biomimicry 3.8 Institute staff for a one-day introduction to biomimicry and biomimicry in education. The workshop will take place at the World Forestry Center, easily accessible from downtown Portland by light rail (MAX.)

Presentations and hands-on activities will give participants background information and practical suggestions for introducing your students to the engaging and inspiring field of biomimicry.

Participants will gain:

  • Content knowledge in biomimicry, a cross-disciplinary field which is related to biology, chemistry, environmental science, engineering, art and design.
  • Methods of effectively engaging students in STEM learning through biomimicry.
  • Hands-on activities which introduce students to biomimicry and address state and national objectives and standards.
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