Ten+One Conference

Mon, 2010/11/29 - Wed, 2010/12/01
University of Bradford, UK

Dwonload the brochure describing the conference and the ten speakers.

"This conference will be an unmissable opportunity to hear some of the world's leading closed loop economy thinkers. TEN guest lectures around ONE key perspective on the transition to a sustainable economy.

The focus is skills, jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities in a 'cradle to cradle' or 'closed materials loop economy'. This lecture series will be introduced by Professor Michael Braungart, one of the world’s leading designers and industrial consultants. This masterclass event will discuss the implications for business, community and education of moving from a linear, 'take-make-dump' economy to a circular economy where economic systems thinking and design is based on ecological principles. Waste is designed out of the equation and the economy features closed materials loops increasingly powered by renewable energy. Considerations of place, scale, resource and diversity will be at the core of development."

Chris Allen will be presenting a lecture on biomimicry at 13:15 on December 1st. 

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