
Biomicry Innovation Lab: Online Biomimicry Course

The course starts with an overview of biomimicry, its history and why it’s so useful. Then, we’ll delve into the innovation process for applying biomimicry to your problem. This will be followed by examining real-world applications of this fascinating ‘technology’.

You’ll discover how shark skin provides a solution to fighting hospital bacteria and preventing barnacle attachment on ships’ hulls. And how owl feathers have inspired quieter wind turbines and how the sailfish made a supercar go faster.

Building Biomimicry Bridges - a toolbox for biomimicry practitioners (Stevens, et al.)

“Empowering learners to create a sustainable future,” this is the mission of Centre of Expertise Mission Zero at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). This book of biomimicry bridges is a toolkit to expand on the existing knowledge on biomimicry as a strategy to fulfill the mission of Mission Zero. We knew when tackling a design challenge, teams have difficulties sifting through the mass of information they encounter. While biomimicry offers guidelines and methodology, there is insufficient research on complex problem solving that systems-thinking requires. We keep searching the known and embracing the new tools to help us make better sense of it all.

Our initial research question was: which factors are needed to help (novice) professionals initiate systems-thinking methods as part of their strategy? During our journey, we found that a solution should enable them to approach challenges in a systems-thinking manner just like nature does, to regenerate and resume projects.

Revisiting Nature’s “Unifying Patterns”: A Biological Appraisal

Abstract: Effective bioinspiration requires dialogue between designers and biologists, and this dialogue must be rooted in a shared scientific understanding of living systems. To support learning from “nature’s overarching design lessons” the Biomimicry Institute has produced ten “Unifying Patterns of Nature”. These patterns have been developed to engage with those interested in finding biologically inspired solutions to human challenges. Yet, although well-intentioned and appealing, they are likely to dishearten biologists. The aim of this paper is to identify why and propose alternative principles based on evolutionary theory.

Biodesign Challenge

Thanks to Curt McNamara (INCOSE NSWG) and Jared Yarnall-Schane (Biomimicry Institute) for the following.  

I am reaching out with an opportunity from our friends at the Biodesign Challenge. They are currently recruiting student and professional teams to participate in a newly formed Biodesign Sprint, in partnership with Google, and they are hoping to have some biomimicry designs and solutions in the program. If you are interested or would like more information, please let me know and I can connect you with the program leads.

In addition, they are currently accepting enrollment into their annual Biodesign Challenge (information deck attached). If you are interested in continuing to leverage design challenges and competitions with your students, I would be happy to connect you with them to learn more. I think they have a top notch program, and they are leading some critical conversations about the ethics of biotech and biodesign, and have an explicit commitment to bring more biomimicry into their community.

We also wanted to point you to the challenges run and organized by Conservation X Labs. We are an ecosystem partner with them for their Microfiber Innovation Challenge, and we look forward to continuing to support their work.

I hope these resources are helpful!

All the best,


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"Biomimicry and Business" by Margo Farnsworth

Margo's book Biomimicry and Business: How Companies Are Using Nature's Strategies to Succeed was officially published on October 20th.  

Fashioned through storytelling, this book blends snapshots of five successful companies – Nike, Interface, Inc., PAX Scientific, Sharklet Technologies, and Encycle – which decided to partner with nature by deploying biomimicry. The book details how they discovered the practices, introduced them to staff, engaged in the process, and measured outcomes. The book concludes with challenges for readers to determine their own next steps in business and offers practical and useful resources to get there.

RI3 Biomimesis: International, Interuniversity and Interinstitutional Network of Biomimesis Studies

Translated from Spanish via Google.  Thanks to Dr. Manuel Quirós for the pointer.

Welcome to the RI 3 BIOMIMESIS website, a space where you will find relevant content from an emerging group of experts in one of the most disruptive disciplines of the 21st century, Biomimicry.

A Moment of Convergence: how nature innovates through agents, swarms and algorithms

Julian Vincent posted to following to the Biomimetics Mailing List:

Rupert Soar has produced a 30-minute video.  Here's the link:   It's intended for lecturers/students so please feed forward to any who you think maybe interested.  Rupert has tried to encapsulate what's coming through with swarm robotics and fabrication platforms, as a narrative for physicists, programmers, engineers, designers and biologists.  Please forward the link to anyone who fits that bill, it's all about the hits....  You have permission to load it or link it (in its entirety) to your websites.  Some footage is proprietary to contributors (permissions were sought) and some is creative commons, so please be sensitive to that. 

Online Master of Science in Biomimicry

The online Master of Science in Biomimicry at ASU is a first of its kind program focusing on an emerging discipline that seeks to apply life’s strategies to human design. Offered in collaboration with Biomimicry 3.8 through The Biomimicry Center at ASU, the MS also complements the Certified Biomimicry Professional program offered by Biomimicry 3.8. 

Through this degree program, you will learn the methodology and practice of the discipline and how to facilitate its application across a wide-variety of applications. This program is ideal if you are interested in innovative, transdisciplinary learning and the opportunity to work with students from around the globe to advance the field and develop sustainable, real-world applications. You will also apply the fundamentals of your training during a series of practicums, including a self-designed “Biomimicry Virtual Design Lab.”

Alphabet of Life Exhibit (Breggrenzerwald, Austria)

Images posted at

Open from June 23 to October 6, 2018

The Alphabet of Life | Design Principles of Nature is a research and education project and exhibition with nature, nature-inspired design and craftsmanship and artistry at its core. It offers a variety of learning paths into the genius of nature expressed in the 26 Biomimicry Life Principles.

Nature-inspired innovation is a transdisciplinary process that brings together the creative disciplines with system sciences, the natural and life sciences and the disciplines directly connected to a defined design challenge-for the purpose of developing holistic sustainable solutions. Biologists, ecologists and naturalists are invited to join the innovation process as scientists-at-the design table to assist with the research and help the design team to discover nature’s strategies for survival. The core question of such an innovation process is always, How does nature solve this problem?

Regenerative Design and Ecosystem Biomimicry (Dr Maibritt Pedersen Zari)

This book examines and defines the field of biomimicry for sustainable built environment design and goes on to translate ecological knowledge into practical methodologies for architectural and urban design that can proactively respond to climate change and biodiversity loss. These methods are tested and exemplified through a series of case studies of existing cities in a variety of climates. Regenerative Urban Design and Ecosystem Biomimicry will be of great interest to students, professionals and researchers of architecture, urban design, ecology, and environmental studies, as well as those interested in the interdisciplinary study of sustainability, ecology and urbanism.

Attachment includes table of contents and a discount code.

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