biophilic design

Terrapin Releases Working with Fractals

Fractal patterns are an intricate ubiquitous machinery behind nature’s order, allowing for many of its complex processes to occur. In nature, complexity and irregularity are governed by underlying pattern and order. In 2014, we released the 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design, classifying fractals as one of many analogues for nature’s propensity for ‘Complexity and Order’, as to indicate “rich sensory information that adheres to a spatial hierarchy similar to those encountered in nature”. Yet science and mathematics tell us there is so much more going on with fractals that they could stand alone as their own pattern or, perhaps more accurately, as a thread through nearly any biophilic experience.

Beginning in February 2020, Italian environmental psychologist Rita Trombin served as Terrapin’s 2020 winter fellow. During her residency, Rita explored opportunities for providing the design community with practical tools for biophilic design application with a specific focus on developing foundational materials for designing with fractals.

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