climate change

Biomimicry UK Resources

Richard MacCowan has been sending out a number of good articles via his mailing list - an archive is available at  He is also publishes via Medium (  I have added both resources to the right sidebar of the BID Community home page.  For the moment, there is some duplication while Richard completes the transition to Medium.

Richard promotes a systems view that takes into account the broader implications of practicing biom* and emphasises practice.

Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice

The Climate-Knowledge & Innovation Community "is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership, working together to address the challenge of climate change.  We drive innovation in climate change through creative partnerships large and small, local and global, between the private, public and academic sectors."  Its Pioneers to Practice program is in its fourth year providing two-month placements within the participants' home regions as well as in other European regions.  See Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice: International workshop 2014 for a five-minute overview.

The Pioneers to Practice program could be an opportunity for B3D projects as well as model for developing a B3D community.

NASA can help you teach sustainable design

Ann describes a talk on climate change she gave to 10 year olds.

The videos I used here were The Carbon Crisis in 90 Seconds and a silent animation (time lapse) of deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest (34 seconds).

Ann talks about her experiences using NASA resources related to sustainability.  In addition to the breadth of material, NASA as a reputation for rigorous science.  A lot of the material is part of the public domainand even copyright material is often "cleared for re-use".  Ann provides hints for finding materials including the NASA “educators” section, NASA's own search engine and Google Search.

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