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Introduction to Biomimicry

2014/02/19 Updated

At Biomimicry 3.8, we believe there is no better design partner than nature. But biomimicry is more than just looking at the shape of a flower or dragonfly and becoming newly inspired; it’s a...

2012/07/09 - 12:32 biomimicry, education
Introduction to Investment Readiness: MaRS’ online startup capital course

The challenge of funding often comes up in bio-inspired design discussions and generates a lot of interest, as demonstrated by the April 2015 B3D webinar on funding hosted by...

2016/01/24 - 20:37 funding, MaRS, online course
Inventor's Manual

by Dr Nikolay R Bogatyrev (Author), Mikhail N Bogatyrev (Illustrator) and Dr Olga A Bogatyreva.  Also...

2015/01/19 - 16:10 BioTRIZ, TRIZ
Inventor's Manual (TRIZ)

Direct link:...

2014/07/27 - 09:34 BioTRIZ, innovation, TRIZ
J Robin Berry Design

Jennifer is an ecologist consulting architects and other designers.  She has been consciously trying to work with local resources while minimizing the impact on the local ecology.  In addition to checking out her portofolio and stunning photographs, have a look at her...

2008/08/01 - 14:21 websites
J Scott Turner: Physics of Life Lectures

J Scott Turner (Professor of Biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry) has written extensively about termites and collective intelligence, including an interview in Zygote...

2021/09/26 - 20:26
Janine Benyus on Biomimicry in Design on TH Radio (Part One) : TreeHugger

The first interview describes the project, a portal that allows non-biologists to access solutions in the nature world by their function, rather than through the more traditional biological classification systems.  Janine describes the wealth of...

2009/01/21 - 19:22 interview
Janine Benyus on Biomimicry in Design on TH Radio (Part Two) : TreeHugger

The second part of the interview starts with the core principles of biomimicry: learning from nature, seeing what natures does (or does not do) within a specific context, and trying to understand the principles.  Rather than using the products of nature or domesticating nature,...

2009/01/21 - 21:41 interview
Japan for Sustainability(JFS) Newsletter

This monthly newsletter covers a broad range of sustainability topics.  It ran a 'Bio-mimicry Interview Series' in 2004 and 2005.  The March 2005 issue had an interview with Eiji Nakatsu, an engineer on the Shinkansen 'bullet train...

2006/02/03 - 11:22 newsletters
Julian Vincent: Practical Biomimetics

Julian Vincent has summarised his approach to solving problems using trade-offs (such as speed versus accuracy or strength versus weight) as a way to create a common language between biology and engineering.  His work builds on the TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) concept of...

2022/07/11 - 14:38