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Biomimetic Design

David Sanchez-Ruano is a "PhD researcher at the Centre for the Study of Natural Design (CSND) where is currently developing new methods to facilitate nature-based experiences and behaviour change through concepts as biophilia, biomimicry and resilience. He has a background in Industrial Design...

2012/09/11 - 17:09 blog, design
Biomimetic Robotics

This website describes research "aimed at developing a new class of biologically inspired robots that exhibit much greater robustness in performance in unstructured environments than today's robots".  Participating universities include Standard, Berkeley, Harvard and John Hopkins.  Webpages...

2006/10/10 - 12:39 websites
Biomimetica - Biomimetics

This Weblog includes a wealth of biomimetic examples collected by Luis Gustavo Lira. 

2006/09/16 - 09:47 websites
Biomimetics -- Materials, Structures and Processes


2011/08/24 - 17:17 architecture, biophysics, materials, medicine, processes, structure, surface sciences
Biomimetics for Innovation and Design Laboratory


Biomimetic Design
Biomimetic design uses biological models to solve engineering problems. Biological phenomena provide an...

2011/09/12 - 12:07 natural language, search
Biomimetics in Architecture: Architecture of Life and Buildings

Gruber, Petra
1st Edition., 2011, 280 p. 466 illus., Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-7091-0331-9

Also available through...

2011/01/16 - 13:26 architecture, books
Biomimicry 3.8 Resource Handbook

Following is an excerpt from the introduction to the Biomimicry Resource Handbook, which is the definitive textbook for our professional training programs (see...

2012/07/12 - 13:45 biomimicry, handbook
Biomimicry and Science: Applying Nature’s Strategies

[The Biomimicry Institute] partnered with EcoRise to create a new curriculum for high school students called, Biomimicry and Science: Applying Nature’s Strategies for high school students. The program includes 23 lessons for grades 9–12 that emphasize real-world applications, and...

2017/07/20 - 18:48 Biomimicry Institute, course, EcoRise, K9-12
Biomimicry at the San Diego Zoo

2013/03/24 The San Diego Zoo Biomimicry website has moved to, which is currently under construction.

The main page contains news on...

2011/05/22 - 18:18 san diego zoo, websites
Biomimicry Basics: How To Innovate Using Nature's Strategies

If you take this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what biomimicry is and how it relates to other forms of bio-inspired design
  • Use the Biomimicry for Design methodology (the Biomimicry Design Spiral) for technical and non- technical...
2016/08/18 - 13:47 biomimicry, design, online course, self-paced