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Biomimicry Basics: How To Innovate Using Nature's Strategies

If you take this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what biomimicry is and how it relates to other forms of bio-inspired design
  • Use the Biomimicry for Design methodology (the Biomimicry Design Spiral) for technical and non- technical...
2017/03/30 - 19:03 biomimicry, Design Spiral, education, online course
Biomimicry Chicago

Our Mission

learning from nature, cross-...

2013/07/04 - 14:54 biomimicry, chicago, network
Biomimicry Chicago: Deep Roots Initiative

Biomimicry Chicago’s Deep Roots Initiative seeks to catalyze a paradigm shift in the built environment in the Chicago region. Together with a diverse network of stakeholders, we aim to establish a science-based definition of sustainability for our region alongside an interactive...

2017/07/20 - 18:38 Biomimicry Chicago, case studies, network, tools
Biomimicry Chicago: Let's get outside and learn - together!

Biomimicry is the emulation of life’s...

2017/05/29 - 17:48
Biomimicry Collaboration at the University of Guelph

University of Guelph PhD student Jamie Miller has created a website about biomimicry to increase interest within faculty and students.  Two workshops have been held, the most recent on March...

2011/06/11 - 17:26 blog, Canada, Ontario, website
Biomimicry curricula

Hilary Staples of San Domenico School has collected a broad range of material relevant to teach Biomimicry, including:

  • overview information

teaching methods (Exploration of Artifacts, Green City Design Project, Niche Reflection, Adaptation Auction)

2006/02/22 - 08:01
Biomimicry Germany

Our vision is to create a resilient, adaptive, and thriving economy inspired by nature’s best strategies and based on nature's best practices. Biomimicry means applying nature's wisdom as a guiding framework for a cultural shift towards sustainable living. We go beyond the mere...

2013/01/29 - 15:24 biomimicry, consulting, design
Biomimicry Group Professional Pathways

Launching in March 2011, The Biomimicry Group’s Professional Pathways will be the most comprehensive and innovative biomimicry educational offering in the world. These courses will fundamentally...

2010/11/30 - 11:40 certificate program, education, workshops
Biomimicry in Architecture by Michael Pawlyn (Book Review)

The book opens with a quote from Buckminster...

2011/11/28 - 10:34 architecture, biomimicry, design, Pawlyn
Biomimicry in Industrial Design for Sustainability, An Integrated Teaching-and-Learning Method

2013/08/03 attachment uploaded again - 'magically' disappeared early on August 2nd

As part of his 2009 doctoral thesis at the Graduate School of Design Research, Kobe Design University, Carlos...

2013/08/01 - 18:42 biomimicry, education, evaluation, industrial design, research, sustainability