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Dr. Darren Bagnall (Southampton University)

"Dr. Darren Bagnall is a senior lecturer in Microelectronics in the Nanoscale Systems Integration Group of the School of Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton University.

With a team of three Post-Docs and eight PhD...

2008/07/31 - 17:02 research
Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development - University of Geneva | Coursera

About this course: Ecosystem services are a way of thinking about – and evaluating – the goods and services provided by nature that contribute to the well-being of humans. 

This MOOC will cover scientific (technical), economic, and socio-political...

2017/03/03 - 10:31 ecosystem services, online course
Elemental (Film)

The film documents Rajendra Singh's mission to clean up the Ganges, Eriel Deranger's campaign against the Tar Sands project, and:

... in Australia, inventor and entrepreneur Jay Harman searches for investors willing to risk millions on his conviction that nature’s own...

2013/01/24 - 12:11 Jay Harman, PAX Streamling Principle
Engineering A Startup #18: Using Nature to Save Nature


2018/02/08 - 20:07 biomimicry, entrepreneurs, podcast, PowerCone, wind power
ENGLISH NATURE - Nature For Schools

English Nature is an organization that "champions the conservation of wildlife, geology and wild places in England. We are a Government agency set up by the Environment Protection Act 1990 and are funded by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs." 

This particular...

2006/07/13 - 16:39 websites
Entrepreneurs of the Natural World Showcase Their Groundbreaking Solutions to the Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century (UNEP)
2008/07/29 - 12:20 books, databases
European Space Agency: Advanced Concept Team (ACT)


Courtesy of Julian Vincent and the Biomimetics listserver. 

"The Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency, in the person of Carlo Menon, has just pulled together the biomimetics component of their studies, plus some new...

2006/01/24 - 09:54 websites
Evolving Biomimicry Methodology

from the Biomimicry website.  This methodology is primarily intended for 'design to biology' problems.

2006/02/02 - 14:16 methodology
Fall 2008 Studio - Biomimicry

A visually stunning architectural building/community design that incorporates biomimicry research on kelp forests and detailed site assessment.  Some of the earlier material as well as the final report appear similar to Ralph Knowles' 'solar envelope' work described in the...

2009/09/16 - 11:08 weblogs
First look at vast 'book of life'

"The first 30,000 pages have been unveiled of a vast encyclopedia which aims to catalogue every one of our planet's 1.8 million species.  The immense online resource is designed to greatly enhance our understanding of the world's diminishing biodiversity."

2008/08/20 - 14:58 databases, websites