Feature Requests

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nhoeller's picture

Interacting with Website via e-mail

It would be great if the website allowed me to respond to posts and comments via e-mail, rather than having to login to the site.  Ideally, I should be able to do a simple reply and have the website figure out what I want.

It appears that this may be possible using some additional Drupal modules, although the functionality is not clear from the documentation.  

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nhoeller's picture

Linking Between Website Pages

The rich-text FCKeditor recognises internal links and strips off the site name.  However, it formats the URLs in a very ugly fashion.  Also, I need to copy the URL of the target page and paste it into FCKeditor - it would be great to select from a list of target pages.

The Drupal Linkit appears to do exactly what I am looking for.  Yet another module to install and test (:-).

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nhoeller's picture

Ability to Signin with Credentials from Another Site

Drupal supports OpenID, allowing users to login with their username/password from another site such as Google.  This saves having to remember yet another username/password.  Many sites are supporting OpenID.

Unfortunately, OpenID has not yet matured to the point where everyone has agreed on a common interface.  I will continue to investigate.

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