"It's Nature's Way": Innovative Tech Design Through Biomimicry (11AM)

Sat, 2011/03/12
Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX

A social network that functions like a colony of ants. A database that manages and shares information like a slime mold. What can we learn from the obvious? Millions of years of royalty free R&D embedded in nature holds the answers to many of today’s human centered design challenges. In this presentation, co-facilitated by Chris Allen of The Biomimicry Institute and Michael Dungan of BeeDance LLC, learn how a systems approach that mimics nature’s lessons and resiliency can be adapted to technology design.

Biomimicry is a proven design process that asks nature for advice. The application of biomimicry is responsible for the development of successful products ranging from Velcro™ and photovoltaic solar panels to advanced seawater desalination methods and more efficient Japanese bullet trains. Bringing a biologist to the design table to explore innovation in IT application development and optimization can unlock new discoveries. The teachings of specific champions in nature that will lead to break-through design thinking will be offered during the presentation. When approached as mentor, model and measure, organisms and whole systems found in the natural world become powerful collaborators. As B2B and B2C users continue to seek out more robust, fast and reliable forms of technology, the answers may not be in the room, but right outside the window.

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GE Previews SXSW: A Biomimicry Expert Makes His Debut

GE Previews SXSW: A Biomimicry Expert Makes His Debut

This post briefly describes the work of GE Nanotechnology on how butterflies could result in improved gas sensors, help us enhance security, seashells could lead to better turbine blades and the lotus leaf could reduce the need for de-icing of airplane wings.

Chris Allen will be discussing the Fully Integrated Thinking (FIT) process at the March 12 workshop.  FIT "... re-imagines the human-built environment as a harmonious part of the larger, ecological world, rather than as manmade structures overlaid on top of it."

The post also mentions one of the panelists, Michael Dungan, the President of BeeDance, LLC, "who built a software algorithm based on the 'waggle dance' of bees scouting out potential nests".

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