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Bulletproof Feathers: How Science Uses Nature's Secrets to Design Cutting-Edge Technology

Edited by Robert Allen (2010), The Ivy Press Limited, Lewes, UK.

Also available on...

2010/07/12 - 14:48 books, design, materials, principles, robotics
Tom McKeag |

Tom has started a regular weblog at GreenerDesign.  The link brings up a list of his posts.  To date, he has published:

  • ...
2009/10/08 - 17:46 weblogs
Better by Design - An Innovation Guide: Using Natural Design Solutions

by Fran Kurk and Curt McNamara explores the rationale behind looking to nature for designs, the value of design, and how 'design for the environment' can differentiate products while dramatically reducing their impact on the environment.  It looks at how innovation can be applied to the entire...

2006/05/09 - 11:49 articles
Center for Biologically Inspired Design at Georgia Tech

The Center for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID) at Georgia Tech is a research and development team translating Nature's ecosystems - her organisms, materials, methods and sensory behavior - into sustainable models...

2010/07/22 - 12:27 biosensors, biosystems, cognition, education, locomotion, materials
Pistol Shrimp Weblog

"Upon journeying to Jackson Hole, WY, and back from a recent Education Summit hosted by the Biomimicry Institute, a university professor and student united to create an open-source blog full of biomimicry/biomimetic ideas for art, design, science and engineering. The focus is...

2010/10/21 - 16:17 architecture, biology, design, engineering, science, weblogs
Potentials and Trends in Biomimetics

Written in 2010 by Arnim von Gleich, Christian Pade, Ulrich Petschow and Eugen Pissarskoi, "The purpose...

2012/11/16 - 18:01
Biomimicry Oregon

See also their Facebook page which contains additional and more dynamic content.


Inspiring innovation in Oregon by emulating nature’s genius.


2013/02/05 - 09:51 biomimicry, network, oregon
Where Can We Use Biologically Inspired Robots?

SK Gupta discusses the value of biologically inspired robots in terms of "useful tools to discuss and teach science and mathematics", practical applications such as exploring areas where traditional robots cannot cope and next generation prosthetics, as well as more speculative applications. ...

2014/03/21 - 13:16 blog, robotics
PEGASUS Video Course on TRIZ/BioTRIZ

This video course allows you to transfer ideas from living...

2014/04/01 - 18:10 BioTRIZ, creativity, innovation, TRIZ
"Architecture Follows Nature" lecture focuses on biomimicry and collaborative research

An overview of the March 17th event in Los Angeles

Last Monday evening at the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles, architect Ilaria Mazzoleni and...

2014/04/10 - 23:14 architecture