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Tapping the Genius of the Biome

The report "Genius of the Biome describes the strategies and designs adopted by living organisms found in a worldwide region of similar climate and vegetation. It describes the biological principles and patterns common to organisms and ecosystems within a biome. This biology is then...

2012/09/11 - 18:17 biomes, design, place-based design
IET Journals Moving to Open Access

Just wanted to let you know that The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is to become the first engineering, not-for-profit publisher to adopt an open access model with the launch of a comprehensive, online-only open access journal. Open access options will also be...

2012/08/04 - 14:27 engineering, journal, open access
Structural Biomaterials: Third Edition (Julian Vincent)

From the website, which also includes a Table of Contents:

This is a thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded edition of a classic illustrated introduction to the structural materials in natural organisms and what...

2012/08/02 - 13:23 biomimetics, books, materials, structure

As a regional hub of The Biomimicry Group, biomimicrySA promotes the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together...

2012/07/14 - 15:05 biomimicry, regional hub, South Africe
Product design and the environment

The document Better by Design - An Innovation Guide: Using Natural Design Solutions is part of a larger collection of material that includes guide sheets on a range of topics:

  • ...
2012/07/12 - 08:28 design, DfE, environment
Biomimicry 3.8 Resource Handbook

Following is an excerpt from the introduction to the Biomimicry Resource Handbook, which is the definitive textbook for our professional training programs (see...

2012/07/12 - 13:45 biomimicry, handbook
Bay Area Biomimicry Network

Based in one of the most innovative ecosystems on earth, the Bay Area Biomimicry Network is an active consortium of leaders in design, engineering, architecture, life science, communications, business, academia, and the public sector. We are evolving in collaboration with...

2012/07/12 - 16:15 biomimicry, California, network
Biomimicry: Biology inspires innovation

At this Hot Topics event, our specialist panel - Rob Kesseler, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, Alex Parfitt, BAE Systems, Denise DeLuca, Swedish Biomimetics 3000 and panel chair Will Pearson, Director of Technology, Ravensbourne - debated how ideas flow from...

2012/07/09 - 12:07 biomimicry, design, innovation, Lotusan, PAX Streamling Principle, Swedish Biomimetics 3000, Wyss Institute
Introduction to Biomimicry

2014/02/19 Updated

At Biomimicry 3.8, we believe there is no better design partner than nature. But biomimicry is more than just looking at the shape of a flower or dragonfly and becoming newly inspired; it’s a...

2012/07/09 - 12:32 biomimicry, education
Proceedings of the Second Annual Biomimicry in Higher Education Webinar

Are you curious about tools that can help cross-disciplinary teams explore connections between biomimicry and design?  Or how biomimicry is being incorporated into interior design studios?  Or how an architecture course explores kinetic aspects of biological systems to inform the...

2012/07/09 - 12:34 biomimicry, education, webinar