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NASA can help you teach sustainable design

Ann describes a talk on climate change she gave to 10 year olds.

The videos I used here were The Carbon Crisis in 90 Seconds and a silent...

2013/07/12 - 15:08 climate change, NASA
Biomimicry Chicago

Our Mission

learning from nature, cross-...

2013/07/04 - 14:54 biomimicry, chicago, network
The International Journal of Bionic Engineering

The Journal of Bionic Engineering publishes original research papers and reviews on all aspects of bionic science and engineering including fundamental understandings of animals and plants for bionic engineering, such as locomotion and behaviors of animals, structures, composites...

2013/07/04 - 17:28 journals
Bio-ID4S: Biomimicry in Industrial Design for Sustainability: An Integrated Teaching-and-Learning Method (Carlos Alberto Montana Hoyos)


Our design, production and consumption patterns must be redefined to address the new challenges faced by our society. Problems generated by traditional "industrial production" cannot be solved with the same "industrial" thinking paradigms. Eco-Design (...

2013/06/20 - 15:40 design, design for environment, design for sustainability, education
Insects Did It First

Marianne Alleyne is a research Scientist in the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Her blog highlights research in "new technologies that were inspired by insects or basic discoveries about insect...

2013/06/05 - 11:07 creativity, insects, research
Biodiseño. Biologia y Diseño

An attempt to provide a method for the extraction of biological principles to designers, from a Biologist (with master's degree in Industrial design) point of view.


2013/04/22 - 16:33
Sharkskin inspires novel solutions to prevent HAIs

Colin Mangham wrote an article for Medical Design on an innovation by Sharklet Technologies on emulating the...

2013/04/18 - 10:27 design, health, microstructure, shark
What is a physicist doing in the jungle?: Ille Gebeshuber

Ille Gebeshuber got interested in how we can address global challenges through the Alpbach Conference.  As shown by the work of the Millennium project, the top fifteen challenges are highly interconnected.  We need to combine our specialized/linear ways of thinking with the generalist/holistic...

2013/04/18 - 15:03 biomimicry, collaboration, interdisciplinary
Global Biomimicry Efforts An Economic Game Changer

Biomimicry, the discipline of applying nature’s principles...

2013/03/24 - 15:49 economics, research
The Da Vinci Index & Biomimicry

The Da Vinci Index was developed and created by the San Diego Zoo Global, the City of San Diego’s Clean Tech Program, San Diego CONNECT, and Point Loma Nazarene University's Fermanian Business & Economic Institute (FBEI). The FBEI maintains and updates the Da Vinci Index...

2013/03/24 - 15:53 economics, research