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Better by Design - An Innovation Guide: Using Natural Design Solutions

by Fran Kurk and Curt McNamara explores the rationale behind looking to nature for designs, the value of design, and how 'design for the environment' can differentiate products while dramatically reducing their impact on the environment.  It looks at how innovation can be applied to the entire...

2006/05/09 - 11:49 articles
Biomimicry in Industrial Design for Sustainability, An Integrated Teaching-and-Learning Method

2013/08/03 attachment uploaded again - 'magically' disappeared early on August 2nd

As part of his 2009 doctoral thesis at the Graduate School of Design Research, Kobe Design University, Carlos...

2013/08/01 - 18:42 biomimicry, education, evaluation, industrial design, research, sustainability
Nature's Chemicals: The Natural Products that Shaped Our World

Author: Richard Firn (2010), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

Also available on...

2011/01/10 - 01:07 books, chemistry
Life in the Undergrowth

Author: David Attenborough (2005), Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA

This is the Companion Book to the Animal Planet Program (Spring 2006...

2011/01/10 - 01:43 books, insects, natural history
What Shape is a Snowflake? Magical Numbers in Nature

Author: Ian Stewart (2001), Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, Lewes, UK

Amazon has a number of...

2011/01/08 - 19:18 books, patterns
Biomicry Innovation Lab: Online Biomimicry Course

The course starts with an overview of biomimicry, its history and why it’s so useful. Then, we’ll delve into the innovation process for applying biomimicry to your problem. This will be followed by examining real-world applications of this fascinating ‘technology’.


2024/05/01 - 15:01 biomimicry, online course
Building Biomimicry Bridges - a toolbox for biomimicry practitioners (Stevens, et al.)

“Empowering learners to create a sustainable future,” this is the mission of Centre of Expertise Mission Zero at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). This book of biomimicry bridges is a toolkit to expand on the existing knowledge on biomimicry as a strategy to...

2024/03/07 - 20:48 biomimicry, systems
B3.8 Project Positive

Project Positive is a group of change agents dedicated to raising the bar on what acting sustainably means—driven by a sense of urgency to move beyond arbitrary reduction goals, to science-based targets and actions that are actually generous to the ecosystems, employees, and...

2023/11/08 - 13:44 Biomimicry 3.8, regeneration
B3.8 Life's Principles/Design Lens 6.1

Seven years after releasing Life’s Principles generation 6 (g6), we are excited to announce the release of g6.1—an enhancement to the existing principles that brings them to the next level of clarity and refinement. After an in-depth review by our team of biomimics, we were...

2023/11/08 - 13:47 Biomimicry 3.8, DesignLens, Life's Principles
Revisiting Nature’s “Unifying Patterns”: A Biological Appraisal

Abstract: Effective bioinspiration requires dialogue between designers and biologists, and this dialogue must be rooted in a shared scientific understanding of living systems. To support learning from “nature’s overarching design lessons” the Biomimicry Institute...

2023/09/05 - 14:00 bio-inspired design, biomimicry, principles