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Xploration's "Nature Knows Best" Video Series

Pete Foley mentioned this video series that explores what we have and can still learn from nature.  Series 1 and 2 each have 13...

2019/05/03 - 14:10 bio-inspiration, video
Online Master of Science in Biomimicry

The online Master of Science in Biomimicry at ASU is a first of its kind program focusing on an emerging discipline that seeks to apply life’s strategies to human design. Offered in collaboration with Biomimicry 3.8 through The Biomimicry Center at ASU, the MS also complements...

2018/10/13 - 16:16 ASU, biomimicry, graduate program, online course
Advances in manufacturing and processing of materials and structures

Brook Kennedy contributed to chapter 5 on “Biofabrication and Bio-Inspired Manufacturing Techniques for the Built Environment” and Jacquelyn Nagel contributed to chapter 18 on “Sustainable Manufacturing”.


2018/10/04 - 20:08 book, manufacturing, materials, structures
Alphabet of Life Exhibit (Breggrenzerwald, Austria)

Images posted at

Open from June 23 to October 6, 2018...

2018/07/21 - 17:10 biomimicry, exhibit
Regenerative Design and Ecosystem Biomimicry (Dr Maibritt Pedersen Zari)

This book examines and defines the field of biomimicry for sustainable built environment design and goes on to translate ecological knowledge into practical methodologies for architectural and urban design that can proactively respond to climate change and biodiversity loss....

2018/06/04 - 09:27 architecture, biomimicry, Biomimicry in the Built Environment, book, Ecology, regeneration, sustainability
Engineering A Startup #18: Using Nature to Save Nature


2018/02/08 - 20:07 biomimicry, entrepreneurs, podcast, PowerCone, wind power
Bioinspiration In Business And Management: Innovating For Sustainability

2018/02/08 ​attached introduction and table of contents

Congratulations to Taryn Mead...

2018/01/06 - 20:01 bioinspiration, business, sustainability
Biomimicry UK "Behind the Science: YouTube Channel

Starting in November, we will be interviewing innovators, academics and thought leaders behind the research and development of some of the leading innovations in the field.

First up is...

2017/12/04 - 17:26 biomimicry, innovation, science, YouTube
Synapse by Biomimicry 3.8

Synapse by Biomimicry 3.8 is an environment for our staff to share their expertise and thought leadership in biomimicry with the world. 

It's our way of inviting you to join us in our awe of the natural world and discover the inspirational ways that innovators...

2017/12/04 - 17:32 biomimicry, Biomimicry 3.8, toolkit, webinar
Science of Seeing: Essays on Nature from Zygote Quarterly

Availabie in paperbook and Kindle formats, and for Canadians at

2017/07/20 - 13:09 Adelheid Fischer, books, Zygote Quarterly