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Carl Hastrich's Blog

Carl Hastrich of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) maintains an extensive blog on the topic of "emerging design ideas of biomimicry, critical creativity, sustainability and strategic thinking".  Recent posts include:

2012/01/13 - 15:12 biomimicry, Carl Hastrich, critical creativity, OCAD, strategic thinking, sustainability
CBC Radio | Quirks & Quarks | Episodes

Quirks & Quarks is a weekly CBC Radio broadcast on science, technology, medicine and the environment.  Archives are available back to the 1988-1989 season, initially only showing segment titles and people interviewed.  Starting in 1996, Real Audio files were added, with MP3 showing...

2006/02/04 - 20:41 websites
Center for Biologically Inspired Design at Georgia Tech

The Center for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID) at Georgia Tech is a research and development team translating Nature's ecosystems - her organisms, materials, methods and sensory behavior - into sustainable models...

2010/07/22 - 12:27 biosensors, biosystems, cognition, education, locomotion, materials
Centre for Biomimetics, University of Reading


2008/12/28 - 10:57 websites
Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice

The Climate-Knowledge & Innovation Community "is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership, working together to address the challenge of climate change.  We drive innovation in climate change through creative...

2014/12/03 - 17:25 climate change, innovation, practice
Cocktail Party Physics: Biomimicry

This 'slice' of a much larger weblog currently has posts on:

2009/03/09 - 17:03 weblogs
Computing - Workshop on Biologically Inspired Information Fusion 2006

Thanks to Matthew Casey and the Biomimetics listserver for the following....

"The final report for the Workshop on Biologically Inspired Information Fusion is now available at:

2006/09/28 - 14:39 workshops
0 A Pattern Language for Sustainability

Ecotrust has developed an extensive Pattern Language for the "conservation economy", including 57 patterns organized under:

2006/06/29 - 17:53 websites
Documentary on Biomimetics and Biomimicry

This is a four-part program in German and French:

  1. The art of movement: March 4
  2. Building with efficiency: March 11
  3. Orientation in the chaos: March 18
  4. Materials of the future: March 25

2011/03/06 - 09:56 Benyus, biomimetics, biomimicry, documentary
Does Our Future Require Us to Go Back to Nature? (Ashok Goel)

Ashok Goel of the Georgia Tech Design & Intelligence Laboratory gave a 20 minute presentation on his personal journey to make an impact on the sustainability crisis by combining his professional...

2012/12/20 - 16:59 analogical reasoning, analogy, CBID, design, GaTech