
Biomimicry UK "Behind the Science: YouTube Channel

Starting in November, we will be interviewing innovators, academics and thought leaders behind the research and development of some of the leading innovations in the field.

First up is Prof. Marc Desmuilliez from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, whose is expertise is in the field of electronics, systems and manufacturing. His work has led to over 400 publications (I know!) and two spinout companies from the university labs.

Pistol Shrimp Weblog

"Upon journeying to Jackson Hole, WY, and back from a recent Education Summit hosted by the Biomimicry Institute, a university professor and student united to create an open-source blog full of biomimicry/biomimetic ideas for art, design, science and engineering. The focus is form, function, style, subtlety, flow, intelligence and systems. The objective of this project is to inspire and inform others about things that have been done with, and can be done with, biomimicry.

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