January 25th/2016 Update and Survey Request

A belated Happy New Year!  In the spirit of renewal, the BID Community Think Tank has been looking at a number of ideas to advance bio-inspired design and engage the BID Community.  We would greatly appreciate if you would help by completing the short survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AfBkNkCNfDrG8NblDmhC3427naw7W4Zf5Y0S9zq8lCc/viewform.  The survey has three parts:

  • input on the BID Community website
  • input on the BID Community itself
  • nominations for the top three three activities, initiatives and projects of 2015 that helped advance the field of biomimicry/biomimetics/bio-inspired design

Even if you have no input on the first two sections, please provide your input for the third section.  I am particularly interested in broader initiatives rather than individual examples.  Depending on the volume of input, I will give the community a chance to vote on their favorites and write up the results in a short article.

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