Website Changes

This forum lists changes made to how the BioInspired! website functions.

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nhoeller's picture

2010/09/27 Subscribing to Content

Previously, the links to subscribe to content were mixed in with other links at the bottom of the document.  As described in How Do I ... Keep Track of Changes, subscriptions are now accessed through a Subscriptions button that displays a pop-up.


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nhoeller's picture

2010/09/27 Subscribing to Forums

Forum topics, otherwise known as posts or threads, are often grouped into containers.  For example, the Announcements container holds announcements relating to the BID Community while the Website Support container holds posts relating to the website itself.

As described in How Do I ... Keep Track of Changes, the website allows users to get e-mail updates on website changes.  A new feature has been enabled that allows subscriptions at the Forum container level.  Everyone registered on the site will be subscribed to Announcements over the next few days.  This will allow the Advisory Group to communicate with users in an effective manner while allowing users to control how often they receive updates (see How Do I ... See All My Subscriptions for details).

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