
March 2014 Newsletter (Issue 10.1)

After a year's absence, the BioInspired! newsletter has re-surfaced.  This issue includes a perspective on the BID Community, interviews with Brett Joseph and Shoshanah Jacobs, an article on the essential elements of biomimicry and an overview of the BioM Innovation Database.

This newsletter is publicly readable - click on the titles below to read the full articles.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the newsletter!

Are Ethos and (Re)connect Essential to Biomimicry? (Philip Ling, Danielle Davelaar)

© Yang MingQi - Fotolia.comThe Biomimicry Specialist Certification Program offered by the Biomimicry 3.8 (B3.8) organization provides a holistic experience of the three essential elements of biomimicry: ethos, (re)connect and emulate.  The case studies used for illustration typically aligned primarily with emulation of nature, without elaborating on ethos and (re)connect characteristics.  Sometimes ethos and (re)connect had clearly never been considered in the project or product.  We prepared a survey to get a better feel for what the broader audience of biomimics thought and to encourage discussion.  Did our colleague practitioners see ethos and (re)connect as core to biomimicry, essential to its practice or … not so much?

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