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University of Plymouth Biomimetics Links

This website includes a broad range of pointers to material on Biomimetics and Biomimicry, as well as a link back to the MATS324 course outline.

2006/05/09 - 12:26 websites
Using Technology for Grants

A workshop held in Toronto on February 15th discussed various ways that technology can be used to help find grants and handle reporting on how the grant is spent.  The presentations largely explored Canadian grants although some of the process issues are generalizable.

2011/02/26 - 20:27 Canada, funding
webcast.berkeley | Courses | Schedule

Berkeley has made available a wide range of lectures as webcasts and/or podcasts.  Of interest to this group are the General Biology (1A, 1B) and General Biology Lab materials. 

Thanks to Curt McNamara for the pointer!

2006/11/17 - 13:15 course material, websites
Welcome - MENRVA Research Group at SFU

The MENRVA research group at Simon Fraser University is led by Professor Carlo Menon, winner of the 2007 BIONIS Award in Biomimetics (he presented...

2008/11/07 - 09:55 research
Welcome to!

"Here you can read all about the new interdisciplinary area of science called biomimetics (or bionics/biomimecry). 
Biomimetics is about developing new technology inspired by nature. On this site you can, apart from news about research and new technological progress in...

2010/08/29 - 09:27 bibliography, books, research, websites
Welcome to The Pax Group

PaxGroup is an engineering company headed up by Paul Hawken that has licensed the PAX Scientific technologies for moving air.  Currently, three companies comprise PaxGroup:

  • PaxFan (appliance, refrigeration, process and heating/ventilation/air conditioning)

2006/11/14 - 13:56 websites
What is a physicist doing in the jungle?: Ille Gebeshuber

Ille Gebeshuber got interested in how we can address global challenges through the Alpbach Conference.  As shown by the work of the Millennium project, the top fifteen challenges are highly interconnected.  We need to combine our specialized/linear ways of thinking with the generalist/holistic...

2013/04/18 - 15:03 biomimicry, collaboration, interdisciplinary
What Shape is a Snowflake? Magical Numbers in Nature

Author: Ian Stewart (2001), Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, Lewes, UK

Amazon has a number of...

2011/01/08 - 19:18 books, patterns
Where Can We Use Biologically Inspired Robots?

SK Gupta discusses the value of biologically inspired robots in terms of "useful tools to discuss and teach science and mathematics", practical applications such as exploring areas where traditional robots cannot cope and next generation prosthetics, as well as more speculative applications. ...

2014/03/21 - 13:16 blog, robotics
WorldWide ElectroActive Polymer (WW-EAP) Newsletter

Focus: "the latest progress in the fields of Electroactive Polymers (EAP) and biomimetics."

Edited by:

Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Ph. D., 
Senior Research Scientist, 
Group Supervisor, Electroactive Technologies and NDEAA Lab
Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), MS 67-119...

2015/12/19 - 10:34 artificial muscles, biomimetics, electroactive polymers