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Philosophy & Biomimicry

Developed by Dr. Manfred Drack, Universität Tübingen.

2021/05/30 - 11:55
"Biomimicry and Business" by Margo Farnsworth

Margo's book Biomimicry and Business: How Companies Are Using Nature's Strategies to Succeed was officially published on October 20th.  

Fashioned through storytelling, this book blends snapshots of five successful companies – Nike, Interface, Inc., PAX Scientific...

2020/10/22 - 16:32 biomimicry, business, Encycle, Interface, Nike, PAX, Sharklet
The state of nature-inspired innovation in the UK

2024/05/01 I have attached a PDF of the report that is about 15MB.

The report is a 138MB epub file.  I am checking with Richard MacCowan on an epub reader that supports the full features of this document - I will add a comment when I...

2021/12/20 - 15:55 innovation, nature-inspired, UK
Julian Vincent: Practical Biomimetics

Julian Vincent has summarised his approach to solving problems using trade-offs (such as speed versus accuracy or strength versus weight) as a way to create a common language between biology and engineering.  His work builds on the TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) concept of...

2022/07/11 - 14:38
Understanding the Use of Bio-Inspired Design Tools by Industry Professionals

This paper by Noah Pentelovitch (OXO) and Prof. Jacquelyn Nagel (James Madison University) describes a workshop to introduce bio-inspired design concepts and four bio-inspired design tools (Visual Analogy Sketching, BID Canvas, Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus, and BioSearch) to 11 designers and...

2022/08/13 - 19:32 bio-inspired design, practitioners