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Bay Area Biomimicry Network

Based in one of the most innovative ecosystems on earth, the Bay Area Biomimicry Network is an active consortium of leaders in design, engineering, architecture, life science, communications, business, academia, and the public sector. We are evolving in collaboration with...

2012/07/12 - 16:15 biomimicry, California, network
Better by Design - An Innovation Guide: Using Natural Design Solutions

by Fran Kurk and Curt McNamara explores the rationale behind looking to nature for designs, the value of design, and how 'design for the environment' can differentiate products while dramatically reducing their impact on the environment.  It looks at how innovation can be applied to the entire...

2006/05/09 - 11:49 articles
Bio-ID4S: Biomimicry in Industrial Design for Sustainability: An Integrated Teaching-and-Learning Method (Carlos Alberto Montana Hoyos)


Our design, production and consumption patterns must be redefined to address the new challenges faced by our society. Problems generated by traditional "industrial production" cannot be solved with the same "industrial" thinking paradigms. Eco-Design (...

2013/06/20 - 15:40 design, design for environment, design for sustainability, education
Bio-Inspired Technologies: Prof. Christofer Toumazou

This article in Ingenia, December 2008, (37), 20-26, discusses the work of Professor Christofer Toumazou, founder of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London.  The Institute has brought together scientists, medical researchers, clinicians and engineers to drive major...

2009/01/21 - 14:46 articles, institutes
Bio-X Stanford University

In early 1998, a group of Stanford faculty led by James Spudich developed the concept of an interdisciplinary research and teaching program in bio-engineering, bio-medicine and bio-sciences.  In September 1998, a formal planning committee was creating spanning Humanities and Sciences,...

2006/10/12 - 13:24 websites
Biodesign Challenge

Thanks to Curt McNamara (INCOSE NSWG) and Jared Yarnall-Schane (Biomimicry Institute) for the following.  

I am reaching out with an opportunity from our friends at the Biodesign Challenge. They are currently recruiting student and professional teams to participate in a...

2021/10/01 - 15:34 biomimicry, design challenge
Biodiseño. Biologia y Diseño

An attempt to provide a method for the extraction of biological principles to designers, from a Biologist (with master's degree in Industrial design) point of view.


2013/04/22 - 16:33
BioHarmonious Game

Art Works for Change's first...

2013/01/18 - 13:23 balance, game
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics

This is a new journal published by the Institute of Physics.  Access is free until the end of 2006.  The first issue includes:

2006/05/24 - 12:46 journals
Bioinspiration In Business And Management: Innovating For Sustainability

2018/02/08 ​attached introduction and table of contents

Congratulations to Taryn Mead...

2018/01/06 - 20:01 bioinspiration, business, sustainability