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The Nature Exchange: a new gallery and experimental space to learn from nature.

The Nature Exchange is a new gallery at the Telus World of Science Edmonton where you can trade, analyze, discuss, interpret and catalogue natural items. The Nature Exchange gallery...

2019/07/14 - 17:49 Edmonton, exhibit, experiential, nature
A Moment of Convergence: how nature innovates through agents, swarms and algorithms

Julian Vincent posted to following to the Biomimetics Mailing List:

Rupert Soar has produced a 30-minute video.  Here's the link:   It's intended for lecturers/students so please...

2019/10/08 - 17:53 agents, algorithms, biomimicry, swarm theory
RI3 Biomimesis: International, Interuniversity and Interinstitutional Network of Biomimesis Studies

Translated from Spanish via Google.  Thanks to Dr. Manuel Quirós for the pointer.

Welcome to the RI 3 BIOMIMESIS website, a space where you will find relevant content from an emerging group of experts in one of the most disruptive disciplines of the 21st century,...

2020/03/29 - 11:44 biomimicry, collaboration, network
Terrapin Releases Working with Fractals

Fractal patterns are an intricate ubiquitous machinery behind nature’s...

2021/02/24 - 20:20 biophilic design, fractals
WorldWide ElectroActive Polymer (WW-EAP) Newsletter

2021/06/21 annoucement by Dr. Yoseph Bar-Cohen:

It has been my pleasure to e-publish the semi-annual WW-EAP newsletter since June 1999 and its 42 issues.  The field of electroactive polymers (EAP) has grown significantly since I started the publication of this Newsletter...

2021/06/23 - 20:05
J Scott Turner: Physics of Life Lectures

J Scott Turner (Professor of Biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry) has written extensively about termites and collective intelligence, including an interview in Zygote...

2021/09/26 - 20:26
Biodesign Challenge

Thanks to Curt McNamara (INCOSE NSWG) and Jared Yarnall-Schane (Biomimicry Institute) for the following.  

I am reaching out with an opportunity from our friends at the Biodesign Challenge. They are currently recruiting student and professional teams to participate in a...

2021/10/01 - 15:34 biomimicry, design challenge
Steerable Endoscope Inspired by the Wood Wasp

The EDEN2020 (Enhanced Delivery System for Neurosurgery in 2020) started 15 years ago when Prof. Ferdinando Rodriguez y...

2021/10/08 - 11:18
The State of Nature-inspired Innovation in the UK.

The recording and slides of the October 22 presentation by Richard MacCowan, Sriram Nadathur, and Yuning Chenp summarising their research into the ecosystem of nature-inspired innovation based on a "diverse...

2021/11/19 - 16:47 innovation, nature-inspired, UK
The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the Earth

The book is scheduled to be published March 14/2023.  Let me know if you are interested in reviewing the book - I will try to get a review copy.

I'm pleased to announce the publication of my book, The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the...

2022/09/10 - 18:19